Four Characteristics of a Sustainable Direct Mail Campaign

What makes a direct mail campaign sustainable?

For marketers, the benefits of being environmentally sustainable are two-fold. First, it’s the right thing to do, as protecting the environment ensures the longevity of our planet. That should be enough, right?

Second, it can make a huge difference in terms of customer acquisition and retention. According to a recent IBM and National Retail Federation study, almost 70% of consumers in the US and Canada believe it’s important for a brand to be environmentally sustainable or eco-friendly.

One way to incorporate sustainability into your operations is to run eco-friendly marketing campaigns.

4 Characteristics of an Environmentally Sustainable Direct Mail Campaign

Before you design and implement your next direct mail campaign, consider these five eco-friendly characteristics.

Recyclable Materials

Wait, direct mail can be eco-friendly? Absolutely.Your next direct mail campaign doesn’t need to rely on traditional tree-sourced paper. There are a wide variety of recyclable paper alternatives. To ensure you’re using eco-friendly paper products, you can review the Forest Stewardship Council’s (FSC) certified paper list.

But sustainability doesn’t stop with your paper choice. You can also utilize biodegradable, windowless envelopes and non-toxic inks.

Related: Five Ways Sepire Delivers Sustainable Print Solutions

Efficient Designs

“Less is more” is already a popular strategy in the marketing world. Advertisements shouldn’t be overly lengthy anyway, as readers will lose interest. But taking this approach with your direct mail campaign design can be an effective way to employ an environmentally friendly campaign.

Limit the number of contents within your mail campaign. Print on both sides of your inserts, if necessary, to save materials and lower costs.

A concise, personalized advertisement with a clear call to action is far likelier to increase engagement.

Clean Mailing List

Could your mailing list use a good scrub? Rather than cast a wide net, deliver personalized marketing to targeted individuals. It’s not only beneficial to your campaign but also eco-friendly, as it reduces unwanted ads and limits waste.

Built by a Full-Service, Environmentally Conscious Mailing Partner

You can significantly reduce waste and pollution by working with a full-service mailer that provides print, insert, fulfillment, and inbound processing services. This ensures your direct mail campaign is environmentally sustainable from start to finish.

Learn more in our article on direct mail sustainability strategies you can employ today.

Sustainable, Efficient, Secure: Direct Mail by Sepire

Did you know that Sepire is an FSC-certified company, a member of PrintReleaf, and a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact?

We prioritize environmental sustainability across all aspects of our operations, from our offices to our warehouses. Our presses don’t even have Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), so they’re almost emission-free. Learn more about our commitment to environmental stewardship and drop us a line to talk about your next eco-friendly direct mail campaign today.


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